of the Local Church to the  Conference for the year






I. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP                                                                                                             

            A. Membership at the first of the year (taken from previous year item D)                                      

            B. Members gained by:            

                        1. Confession of faith                                                                                                                     

                        2. Transfer of membership                                                                                                                            

            C. Members removed by all causes                                                                                                                                

            D. Present membership (add A, B1, and B2, then subtract C)                                                                      

            E. Nonresident members                                                                                                                                  


            A. Conversions                                                                                                                                                          

            B. Rededications                                                                                                                                                            

            C. Sanctifications                                                                                                                                             

            E. Baptisms (other than infant)                                                                                                                    

            F. Infant Dedication/Baptism                                                                                                                                            

III. PROGRAM AND MINISTRIES  (Compute from ACTUAL attendance figures)

            A. Average attendance of Weekend Worship Services (include children services,

    nurseries, and all accompanying staff)                                                                                                                   

            B. Average attendance for Sunday School

                        1. Children (nursery through grade 6)                                                                                                        

                        2. Youth (grades 7-12)                                                                                                                         

                        3. Adult classes                                                                                                                                  

                        4. Total                                                                                                                                                             

            C. Children’s weekly ministries (include children's choir, release time,

     5 Day clubs, children's clubs other than Sunday School)

                        1. Number of individual groups                                                                                                 

                        2. Total average attendance for all groups                                                                                    

            D. Youth (Teens or grades 7-12) weekly ministries

    (include teen choirs, youth praise teams)

                        1. Number of individual ministries                                                                                             

                        2. Total average attendance for all groups                                                                                      

            E. Adult weekly ministries (include prayer groups, book study groups,

     small group Bible studies, accountability groups, support groups)

                        1. Number of individual ministries                                                                                             

                        2. Total average attendance for all groups                                                                              

            F. Average attendance for college/career ministries (weekly or monthly)                                       

            G. Average attendance for women's ministries (such as women's groups                                      

     or service organizations, but not Bible or book studies)                                                          

            H. Average attendance for men's ministries (such as men's organization

     or service groups, but not Bible or book studies)                                                                                

            I. Special events ministry attendance

                        1. Children

                                    a. Vacation Bible School                                                                                                 

                                    b. Other                                                                                                                              

                        2. Youth (teens) (concerts, video simulcasts, special events or speakers)                        

                        3. Adults (concerts, video simulcasts, special events or speakers)                                    

            J. Attendance for camping ministries

                        1. Children (nursery through grade 6)                                                                                            

                        2. Youth (teens) (grades 7 through 12)                                                                                            

                        3. Adults                                                                                                                                       

            K. Attendance for teacher training/leadership training (include training for ushers,

                       teachers, small group leaders, youth leaders)                                                                         

            L. Attendance for foundational classes (basic beliefs, catechism)                                                                                                          

            M Attendance for membership classes (not including those in L above)                                        

            N. Number preparing for full-time Christian ministries        

                        (include those called this year)                                                                                                



I. Mission

            A. Given to Evangelical Church missions                                                                                                    

            B. Given to all other missions                                                                                                                   

II. Determining Tithe

            A. Total income (tithes, gifts etc.)                                                                                                                      

            B. Amount received for building fund                                                                                                   

            C. Amount received for missions                                                                                                            

            D. Amount paid for facility rental                                                                                                            

            E. Total of B through D                                                                                                                          

            F. Adjusted income (A minus E)                                                                                                                 

            G. Tithe to be given to Conference (0.10 times F)                                                                                    

            H. Actual tithe given to Conference                                                                                                       

III. Total Local Expenditures (include Sunday School expenses, men/women’s group

             expenses, all other group/club ministries expenses, all ministerial and staff salaries 

             and compensations, utilities, repairs, maintenance, supplies, etc.)                                                  

IV. Total Paid on New Buildings and Property Purchase                                                                          

V. Local Property

            A. Value of Ministry Facilities (either appraised or insurance value)                                                  

            B. Value of Parsonage Facilities (either appraised or insurance value)                                             

            C. Value of Other Property (either appraised of insurance value)                                                   

            D. Indebtedness on all Facilities and Properties                                                                                

            E. Total in reserve, savings and trust funds and all treasury balances                                             

            F. Is the church, ministerial staff and staff covered by liability insurance:               yes 


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